The journey of Golden Landis Von Jones, better known as 24kGoldn, to his debut album, El Dorado, began with his breakout single, "Mood," featuring Iann Dior. The song positioned Goldn as a breakout star, and El Dorado was our chance to let the world know he was more than just a number-one song. 

The anticipation for 'El Dorado' was heightened through the album's innovative marketing tactics. Goldn built the narrative around the album through multiple pieces of content, including trailers inspired by Indiana Jones and a four-part vlog series titled The Road To El Dorado. The trailers effectively built a sense of intrigue and adventure around the album, aligning with its title - El Dorado, the mythical city of gold.

The four vlogs granted fans an exclusive look into Goldn's journey. It's rare for an artist to peel back the layers to their process, so we used the vlogs to show the making of the album and Goldn's life.

To drive home the element of adventure, Goldn launched an 8-bit video game reminiscent of the classic Mario franchise, intertwining the worlds of music and gaming. Additionally, he launched a partnership with ScavengAR, offering fans an interactive AR El Dorado themed album experience. This AR activation invited fans to search for El Dorado, adding an exciting, experiential layer to the rollout. 

24kGoldn's El Dorado is not just an album - it's a statement. It represents Golden as an artist who understands the power of versatility, staying true to himself, and having fun. If the album is anything to go by, 24kGoldn's journey in the music is just beginning - and it's set to be golden.